Choroidal Osteoma
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Choroidal Osteoma

Choroidal osteoma is a rare and benign osseous tumor occurring in the choroid which is a layered structure in the eye that has nerves and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the retina. Protheragen is devoted to offering tailored diagnostics and therapy development services for choroidal osteoma by steadfastly applying scientific advancement and cutting edge technology.

Overview of Choroidal Osteoma

Choroidal osteoma is a rare type of benign tumor which is understood to consist of mature bone tissue within the choroid of the eye. It mainly affects young adults and specifically women in their early twenties. The tumor generally presents as an orange yellow lesion with pronounced geographic borders and surface vessels that are afferent. Histopathologically, choroidal osteomas consist of bony trabeculae with salient marrow spaces and spider or feeder vessels. These vessels are dilated and have thin walls. They connect the choriocapillaris to larger choroidal vessels Lord like structures and other features which form the pathological vascular architecture.

Optical coherence tomography, retinal imaging, and ocular ultrasound of choroidal osteotomy.Fig.1 Characteristic analysis of choroidal osteoma. (Machado D. F., et al., 2024)

Diagnostics Development for Choroidal Osteoma

  • Genetic Testing: Analysing genetic alterations linked to choroidal osteoma's existence may assist in recognizing certain vulnerable groups and guide tailored therapeutic approaches. For instance, mutations in BMP2 or RUNX2, which are involved in the regulation of osseous tissue formation, may be relevant.
  • Biomarker Profiling: Having identification of specific biomarkers present like osteocalcin or alkaline phosphatase in blood or ocular fluids can facilitate early diagnosis and progress monitoring of the disease.
  • Liquid Biopsy: This technique is capable of noticing circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) or other molecular signatures in bodily fluids which gives insights on tumor movements.
  • Proteomic Analysis: Choroidal osteoma can be monitored through diagnostic and prognostic markers, which can be revealed through patterns of proteins that high-throughput proteomics is capable of detecting and analyzing.

Therapeutics Development for Choroidal Osteoma

Drastic modifications have been made in treating choroidal osteoma related CNV thanks to anti-VEGF (anti-vascular endothelial growth factor) therapeutics. There is considerable improvement in visual cognition and resolving CNV after administering intravitreal injections of Vandizumab and Rundizumab. These medications are efficient due to their blockade function on VEGF, that promotes the onset and sustenance of CNV. The decreased permeability of the vessels in the choroid along with an improved RPE drug penetration whilst being thinned and degenerated are the causes for these positive changes in vision.

Our Services

Protheragen leverages advanced technology and vast scientific knowledge to offer premier diagnostics and development therapy services for choroidal osteoma. This is our scope of work:

Diagnostics Development

  • Karyotype Analysis Service
  • Omics Analysis Service
  • Biomarker Development Service
  • Artificial Intelligence Service

Therapeutic Development

  • Small Molecule Drug
  • Cell Therapy
  • Gene Therapy
  • Therapeutic Antibody
  • Therapeutic Peptide
  • Therapeutic Protein

Disease Models

  • Photoreceptor Degeneration Models
  • Apelin and TGF-β Signaling Models
  • Yes-Associated Protein (YAP) Models
  • Surgical Implantation Models

Protheragen provides a wide range of preclinical research services to support the development of effective diagnostics and therapeutics for choroidal osteoma. These include:

  • Pharmacokinetics: Assessment of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion to optimize therapeutic regimens.
  • Toxicology: Evaluation of the safety profile of new therapies to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us.


  • Machado, Dafne Fernandes, et al. "Atypical Presentation of Choroidal Osteoma: Two Case Reports." International Medical Case Reports Journal (2024): 891-894.
  • Yoshikawa Tadanobu, and Kanji Takahashi. "Long-term outcomes of intravitreal injection of bevacizumab for choroidal neovascularization associated with choroidal osteoma." Clinical Ophthalmology (2015): 429-437.
  • Seong, Hyo Jin, et al. "Complications, treatments, and visual prognosis of choroidal osteomas." Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (2022): 1-9.