Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma (CKS)
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Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma (CKS)

Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma (CKS) accounts as one of the most uncommon and differed forms of cancer. This type of cancer develops from a malignant tumor, which comes from the neoplasm's blood vessels and rests on the surface of the conjunctiva —a delicate layer of tissue that covers the anterior of the eyeball and the inner eyelids. Protheragen offers a comprehensive suite of diagnostics and therapeutics development services tailored to Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma.

Overview of Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma (CKS)

Conjunctival Kaposi's sarcoma (CKS) is an uncommon subtype of Kaposi's sarcoma that occurs in the conjunctival region of the eye and it's inner eyelid surface. This disease is marked by the proliferation of spindle cells and vascular lesions that appear as red, pink, or purple nodules or plaques on the conjunctiva. In addition to having significant cosmetic ramifications, CKS can also greatly impair visual functioning. The emergence of CKS occurs predominantly among groups who are immunocompromised, especially people with HIV/AIDS and organ transplant recipients.

Illustration depicting common locations of KS lesions on the ocular adnexa and ocular surface.Fig.1 Common locations of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) lesions. (Venkateswaran N., et al., 2021)

Diagnostics Development for Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma

  • Histopathological Analysis
    The most reliable method for CKS diagnosis is still histopathological examination. The biopsy samples show the presence of characteristic spindle cells, inflammatory infiltrates, and vascular channels. KS lesions can also be confirmed through immunohistochemical staining of HHV-8 latent nuclear antigen (LANA-1) and additional markers like CD31, CD34, podoplanin (D2-40).
  • Molecular Techniques
    Molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are used to identify the presence of HHV-8 DNA in examined biopsies. This procedure is useful as it is precise and sensitive which makes it possible to identify CKS pathology at an early stage in cases with inconclusive histopathological analysis.

Therapeutics Development for Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma

Agents like lenalidomide and pomalidomide have been known to help in the stabilization of CKS lesions. They do so by modulating the immune system and exhibiting anti-angiogenic features, thus adding value to the therapeutic for CKS.

Table 1. Therapeutics of Kaposi's sarcoma. ((Venkateswaran N., et al., 2021)

Compound Mechanism FDA approval status for KS
Everolimus mTOR inhibitor with anti-VEGF activity Approved
Sirolimus mTOR inhibitor with anti-VEGF activity Approved
Pomalidomide Anti-angiogenic properties; upregulation of interferon gamma, IL-2, IL-10; down regulation of IL-6 Approved
Bortezomib Targets NF-kB activity; induces HHV8 lytic expression Investigational
Lenalidomide Tumor cell apoptosis; anti-angiogenic and anti-osteoclastogenic activities Investigational
Ixazomib Binds and inhibits the chymotrypsin-like activity of the beta 5 subunit of the 20S proteasome Investigational
Recombinant EphB4-HSA fusion protein (EphB4-HSA) Blocks the interaction between ephrin B4l and Ephrin B2; blocks the VEGF-Notch-EphrinB2 angiogenic pathway Investigational

Disclaimer: Protheragen focuses on providing preclinical research service. This table is for information exchange purposes only. This table is not a treatment plan recommendation. For guidance on treatment options, please visit a regular hospital.

Our Services

Our contemporary molecular diagnostics platform allows early and exact identification of HHV-8 DNA and viral proteins. We also offer sophisticated immunohistochemistry services for key CKS biomarker identification. In therapeutics, Protheragen leads the development of novel antiviral, immunotherapeutic and targeted therapies for CKS.

Diagnostics Development

  • Karyotype Analysis Service
  • Omics Analysis Service
  • Biomarker Development Service
  • Artificial Intelligence Service

Therapeutic Development

  • Small Molecule Drug
  • Cell Therapy
  • Gene Therapy
  • Therapeutic Antibody
  • Therapeutic Peptide
  • Therapeutic Protein

Preclinical Research

  • Pharmacodynamics Study Services
  • Pharmacokinetics Study Services
  • Drug Safety Evaluation Services

Disease Models

  • mECK36 Mouse Models
  • Humanized Mouse Models
  • KSHV Infection Rabbit Models
  • KSHV Infection Non-Human Primate Models

Protheragen's specialists harness emerging technologies while designing and optimizing new drug candidates for maximum efficacy and minimal toxicity. In addition, we provide preclinical services for testing the safety and efficacy of new drugs in relevant animal models. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us.


  • Venkateswaran, Nandini, et al. "Spotlight on ocular Kaposi's sarcoma: an update on the presentation, diagnosis, and management options." Expert review of ophthalmology 16.6 (2021): 477-489.
  • Yang, Jing, et al. "Case report of ocular Kaposi's sarcoma." BMC ophthalmology 17 (2017): 1-6.