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Trachoma is categorized as one of the Neglected Tropical Diseases by the World Health Organization (WHO). We at Protheragen take pride in presenting a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic service development for trachoma.

Introduction to Trachoma

Trachoma constitutes a chronic, infectious disease that stems from the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. There are two phases in the progression of the disease. The first is the phase with active trachoma, suffering from the inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is followed by fibrosis cicatricial trachoma that causes scarring in the eyelids. Scarring can lead to something extremely different, termed as trighiasis or, in simple terms, the inward turning of eyelashes along-side corneal opacity. Additionally, trachoma can also be spread through direct contact of the eyes with nasal secretions, fomites, or through flies infected with the bacterium.

Overview of trachoma.Fig.1 The natural history of trachoma. (Solomon A. W., et al., 2022)

Therapeutics Development for Trachoma

It is crucial to formulate effective therapies for trachoma in order to disrupt its infectious cycle and avert sight impairment. Currently, the therapeutical approaches consist of antibiotics, immunomodulation, and new biological therapies. Given below are the main types of trachoma therapy development:

Antibiotic Therapy

A macrolide antibiotic, azithromycin, constitutes the backbone of the therapeutics of trachoma. It is given in a single oral dose and is effective towards markedly achieving a change in the rate of active infections. Nevertheless, the development of antibiotic resistance remains a formidable hurdle.

Topical Therapies

Tetracycline ointment is often preferred as a substitute to oral azithromycin in pregnant women and young children. The recent innovations in drug incretion devices, for instance, formulations based on nanoparticles, seek to improve the therapeutic effects and bioavailability of topical medicaments.

Immunomodulatory Therapies

Chronic inflammation is one of the main factors in the progression of trachoma. Immunomodulatory therapies focus on the host immune system to control inflammation and inhibit scarring. Such therapies include corticosteroids and cytokine inhibitors which look valuable in preclinical trials.

Our Services

Whether you require specialized diagnostic assay development, advanced preclinical evaluations, or strategic guidance on therapeutic optimization, Protheragen is your trusted partner in the fight against trachoma. We are committed to providing you with one-stop solutions to help you develop trachoma diagnostics and therapeutics.

Diagnostics Development

  • Development and validation of PCR, LAMP, and CRISPR-based assays.
  • High-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analysis for C. trachomatis.
  • Strain typing and antimicrobial resistance profiling.

Therapeutic Development

  • Small Molecule Drug
  • Cell Therapy
  • Gene Therapy
  • Therapeutic Antibody
  • Therapeutic Peptide
  • Therapeutic Protein

Preclinical Research

  • Pharmacodynamics Study Services
  • Pharmacokinetics Study Services
  • Drug Safety Evaluation Services

Disease Models

  • Mouse Infection Models with C. trachomatis via ocular or intranasal routes.
  • C. trachomatis Infection Cynomolgus Monkey Models
  • Chlamydia caviae Infection Guinea Pig Models

At Protheragen, we understand the importance of robust preclinical research in driving the development of effective trachoma interventions. Our team of seasoned researchers leverages a diverse array of in vitro and in vivo models to thoroughly investigate the efficacy, safety, and mechanism of action of potential diagnostic and therapeutic candidates. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us.


  • Solomon Anthony W., et al. "Trachoma." Nature Reviews Disease Primers 8.1 (2022): 32.
  • Mohammadpour, Mehrdad, et al. "Trachoma: Past, present and future." Journal of current ophthalmology 28.4 (2016): 165-169.