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Non-Genetically Engineering Model Development Services

Creating non-engineered animal models has advanced our understanding of rare diseases and our organization's specialty is in providing integrated services for the development of NON-GEMs, where we utilize Non-GEMs to aid rare disease research. Our proprietary, non-genetic engineering approaches allow us to construct NON-GEMs which accurately model rare diseases and help facilitate the development of targeted therapies and research into the disease mechanisms.

Introduction to Non-Genetically Engineering Models (NON-GEMs)

NON-GEMs or non-genetic engineering models are simplified animal models with the ability to faithfully mimic human epidemiology or disease but without any genetic intervention. The construction techniques of NON-GEMs are broadly categorized into physical, chemical, and biological methods.

  • Physical factors involve subjecting animals to mechanical injury, surgery, radiation, or other physical means.
  • Chemical factors encompass the use of chemical carcinogens (such as alkylating agents, nitrosamines, and aromatic amines), chemical poisoning, or excessive nutrient exposure to induce disease in animals.
  • Biological factors involve the introduction of bacteria, microorganisms, parasites, or biotoxins (such as aflatoxin) that act as pathogens in animals.
Fig.1 Types of animal models. (Laaldin, N., et al., 2020)Fig.1 Types of animal models. (Laaldin, N., et al., 2020)

NON-GEMs for Rare Diseases

The limited occurrence and absence of understanding surrounding rare diseases often makes them challenging. With the aid of physical, chemical, and biological methods of research, it's possible to generate animal models with characteristics resembling the rare diseases, such as neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders, and lysosomal storage disorders. These models are important for studying the progression of the rare disease and searching for new biomarkers. Below are the examples of models of Parkinson's disease that have been developed with non genetic engineering methods:

Table 1 Non-genetically engineering models (NON-GEMs) of Parkinson's disease. (Su, Cheng-Fu, et al., 2021)

Model Mechanism Behavior Deterioration Major Usage of the Model Disadvantages
MPTP-induced A reduction of striatal DA and TH Dyspraxia To generate irreversible and severe motor abnormalities No loss of neurons from locus coeruleus; lack of age-dependent, slow progressive lesion development
Rotenone-induced Suppresses mitochondrial complex I Impaired motor activity To trigger deterioration of nigrostriatal DA as well as aggregated proteins like α-synuclein Age-independent lesions
6-OHDA-induced Pro-oxidant properties, inhibits complex I activity Rotational behavior To induce motor impairment of limbs Does not cross the BBB
Paraquat- and maneb-induced Accelerates α-synuclein fibril formation Impaired motor activity To produce neuronal damage and a Parkinsonian-like syndrome The dopaminergic toxicity is not selective

Our Services

Our company assists researchers in selecting the most appropriate NON-GEMs for drug safety evaluation and pharmacokinetics research. Our team works closely with clients to customize the models based on rare disease specifications, including the choice of animal species, induction techniques, and disease phenotypes.

Why Choose Us?

Our company provides comprehensive services and technical support for all stages of rare disease research. We utilize extensive experience in non-genetically engineering model (NON-GEMs) development to offer customized services and comprehensive assistance, facilitating the transition from rare disease therapy development to therapy commercialization. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for more details and quotation information of related services.


  • Laaldin, N., et al. "Animal models: bridging cross-species variation through animal biotechnology." Genomics and Biotechnological Advances in Veterinary, Poultry, and Fisheries. Academic Press, 2020. 183-207.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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